Wednesday, June 02, 2004
More Reader Question Responses...

I'd like to answer some of the initial reader questions that Diogenes didn't get a chance to cover.

iopian and Democrat for Bush both seem concerned about our tone and lack of original ideas.

You are reactionary. You generate no thoughts of your own but only respond to the conservative viewpoint.

I see that you have 5 "contributors" to this site. Since you're not blogging, what exactly are the 5 of you actually doing? Sitting around in your Birkenstocks rolling bones, waiting for John Kerry to actually say or do something newsworthy?"
I beg to differ my friends. Many Americans have two jobs in order to make their financial ends meet. We have second blogs to make our ideological ends meet. All 5 contributors to this blog have blogs of our own. On those blogs, original and non-reactionary ideas flow faster than we can type. Feel free to visit our individual pages.

Tony Wright - It's Craptastic!
charles2 - The Fulcrum
speedkill - Speedkill
upyernoz - Rubber Hose
I'll allow Diogenes to reveal his blog if he chooses.

I can't speak for my colleagues, but Birkenstocks have never touched my feet. I don't smoke pot or take any other drug. I never have to wait for John Kerry to say something because he spreads his vision and positive ideas for a strong America on a daily basis. I can't sit around blogging all day because I am employed in the private sector.

Thanks for the comments. Enjoy your stay.